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Ask Your Member of Congress to Co-Sponsor the Stop Child Hunger Act


The SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) Program is a new, permanent program starting in 2024 that provides benefits for school-aged children and their families when schools are closed for the summer. Summer EBT, or SUN Bucks as it's known in California, builds on successes of previous Summer EBT pilots as well as the summer benefits provided by the Pandemic EBT Program. However, benefit levels for SUN Bucks are set at $40 per summer month per child, and the program does not account for any additional school closures or breaks.

The Stop Child Hunger Act (H.R.4379) would expand SUN Bucks in three major ways:

  • Provide benefits during all school breaks, when schools are operating on a remote or hybrid model, and when schools are closed for a natural disaster.
  • Increase the amount of benefits to cover the cost of breakfast, lunch, and a snack for every day schools are closed.
  • Cover the full administrative costs for states and Indian Tribal Organizations.

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